Strategic negotiator, author and Founder of Other Side of the Table Sam Trattles believes negotiating is a fundamental life skill we should all learn in order to get what we want and deserve, in business and all aspects of life. She’s written two books sharing her expertise to help you walk into any room feeling prepared to ask for more of what you want and to influence people and outcomes with confidence.
Each book introduces a new approach to negotiating, helping you learn how to consciously and confidently negotiate, pushing past societal taboos and embracing uncomfortable conversations to negotiate better outcomes.

Negotiate Your Worth On Sale!
What can the Emu, Wombat and Bilby teach business owners about negotiating good deals? A LOT!
This book is an antidote to negotiation paralysis for business owners and leaders, as told through the characteristics of our native Aussie animals.
When you take a deeper look, you’ll discover how remarkably powerful, resourceful and resilient our native animals are and how they navigate and negotiate their way through the harsh Aussie outback to stay alive.
As a business owner, negotiating your worth with confidence, is essential to the growth of your business.
If you’re filled with dread and discomfort every time you hear this statement: “Oh, that’s more than I thought it would cost”, and find yourself thinking, “I just wish I knew what to say next to close the deal”, this book will show you how.
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You’ll learn the eight characteristics that make up the negotiator’s mindset and be equipped with a negotiation framework that will prepare you to negotiate better outcomes for your business, every time.
Using the book’s Negotiator Strengths Self-Assessment Tool, you will quickly and easily identify which of the eight negotiator powers you have strength in. Then you can fast track your way through the book, jumping to the specific animals you need to learn from and put your new skills into practice that same day.
You’ll have everything you need to start negotiating your worth right away, complete with a suite of tools, templates, and practical exercises, bundled into YOUR Business Negotiator Toolkit,
This book is a practical guide that will help you unlock your ability to become a powerful business negotiator. And, once you’ve read it – like our unique Aussie animals – you’ll be a force to be reckoned with!
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Taronga Conservation Society Australia
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I Love Negotiating Expanded Edition
Are you one of the 87% of people who shuddered at this statement?
Negotiating is seen by some as a necessary evil and by others as something they would rather avoid altogether, but whether in business or in life, negotiating is the skill that will help you get more of what you want and deserve.
If you want to make more money, save more money and create more harmony in your life, you need to learn and embrace negotiating.
The truth is, you’ve got the process of negotiating all wrong and in this easy-to-follow workbook, we will demystify the negotiation process, help you change your mindset and show you how you can negotiate with less stress and more satisfaction.
All the tips, scripts, strategies and tools you need to get what you want will be revealed. By working through a series of practical activities, tailored to your negotiation skill level, you will learn:
- How to handle nerves, manage emotions and face your fears.
- Strategies to ensure you’re prepared for any scenario.
- The secrets to never feeling ripped off again.
By the time you finish this book you will embrace opportunities to negotiate, you’ll know how to get better outcomes and you may even learn to love it in the process!
Price: $35.00
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